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About Me

I am Mr. Biswajit Manna. I am pursuing PhD in Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. This is a technical blog on computer related tricks, new technology and many other things from my experiences. There is a nice history behind this blog writing: one day morning I came into my lab and saw my Ubuntu 10.04 LTS had crashed and showing "Your desktop is under low graphics mode" like this. Before this event I have faced so many troubles and I had solved those also. After that event I have decided that it will be my pleasure to share the tricks to solve these problems.
I would like to give spatial thanks to Google search engine. Whenever, I have faced in any problem like this I use to google the topic.
Now it is my passion to write blog and share my experiences among all.

1 comment:

Dibyajyoti Guha said...

I am delighted to your helping attitude. Many people faces the same problem but once they have solved the problem they forget about others that others may also face the same issue. Thank you for your urge to help others technically.